Golden Heart helps give a well deserved break to one of the most amazing families!
Felix Ada and his beautiful family have been Pastoring in Angeles City in the Philippines for 27 years. Not only do they lead the fellowship and plant community churches, but they personally dedicate themselves most nights of the week to feeding and ministering to people with next to nothing in some of the slum communities around Angeles City.
They feed five poverty stricken communities weekly and run fun programs for the hundreds of children in these villages, they have done this every single week for the past five years! This kind of sacrifice and dedication deserves blessing…
However, recently, Felix’s home has been sold to make way for a hotel complex leaving him nowhere to live and nowhere to hold church fellowship meetings (previously held in his home).
More devastating than this, over the past few months, Felix’s health has taken a drastic decline hospitalizing him for weeks and stealing his energy and ability to do the amazing work that he does.
Golden Heart has been a financial partner in a small way in the past and now we are so excited to be able to help send Pastor Felix and his family on an all expenses paid trip to his birth-place Davao City on a well deserved break to regain the passion, commitment, strength, and composure they need to fully immerse themselves back in to the ministry.
This is a GREAT investment! The hundreds of families that this family touch makes it an incredibly worthwhile cause.
Its what Golden Heart is all about, Giving a little to matter A LOT.
Other Ministries Needs include:
– a Feeding service vehicle- to transport the food, materials, chairs, the team, etc
– Portable speaking amplifier
– portable guitar amplifier
– Ps. Felix ongoing medical expensesIf you have a desire to help in any way, please feel free to donate here.