Ko taranaki te maunga
Ko tokomaru te waka
Ko Mangaoraka te awa
Ko Te Atiawa te iwi
Ko Puketapu toku hapu
Ko muru ratapu te marae
Ko Pehimana Tamati toku tupuna
Ko Te Auripo wharehoka toku tupana
Ko lance Taputoro toku papa
Ko Ngamihi Owen toku mama
Ko Aroha Taputoro taku ingoa.
My name is Aroha I love my culture and love to learn & listen & share the pourakau (Stories) of my tupuna (ancestors). I am in Christian faith, i love to share my pourakau of my blessings and how I found peace when I met Jesus Christ.
Going to the Philippines is a amazing opportunity for me, has I go meet & learn about their culture & share my pourakau to the people I will meet.
I am a mum to 4 children who are now adults & who have their own families. I also have 13 grandchildren whom I love to bits!
My main job is I look after a amazing little boy his name is Neihana, he so adorable we have amazing bonding he is the best thing that has happened to me since living in Rotorua.
I also work part-time in the tv & filming industries and am a casual Health care assistant at Rotorua hospital.
I go to the Atomic church I call that my home. I love my Christian faith Jesus is the centre in my life.
I love to help people who are in need of anything if I can help them I will do it.
I like to fundraise for our youth group To help get them to Christian conference and camps so they can be close to Jesus & keep their flame burning for him.
I like to exercise meet people going for a spa at nighttime, I like to learn new things and travel the world.
Going to Philippines will be amazing experience for me I just want to go meet people pray for people share the word of God to them. Also, I believe this is my calling to travel to the Philippines.
My gifts are in healing, praying deliverance and a see’er.
In 2019 I traveled to south India with a mission group. I had awesome experience there.
I am looking to traveling over to Philippines I know I will make a difference in someone’s life over there.